Bindrune for Moving Into The Unknown

December 28, 2016 | Filed Under Bindrunes | No Comments

If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Remember that working with bindrunes, as with working with any kind of magic, does not carry guaranteed results, and may produce results quite different from what you expect.

Having released the frozen energies in your self and your life with last week’s bindrune, you can now work with this week’s symbol to move forward into the unknown in the flow of love and trust.

Bindrune of Mannaz, Laguz, Gar

Bindrune of Mannaz, Laguz, Gar

Mannaz (left tile, dark blue in bindrune): Mannaz is the rune of the Self, your highest and best being. Grounded in your true Self, you are prepared to make the best of what comes your way, and to create the circumstances you need to prosper.

Laguz (center tile, light blue in bindrune): Laguz is the rune of flow. Laguz helps you let go of that which you cannot control, so that you can focus your energies on doing those things you can do, and focus on doing them well.

Gar (right tile, black in bindrune): Gar is the unknown. Gar tells you that, while you don’t know what’s going to happen, you still need to move forward, calmly and confidently. This rune is associated with Odin, and reminds you that other beings in the universe are taking actions that will support your work and help you reach your goals. You don’t have to do it all, you just have to do your part.

The bindrune on the left was done in colored pencil. The one on the right was done with fine point calligraphy markers. They are shown in two different media to give an idea of how the same bindrune looks different depending on how it is created.

You could put a drop of  rose oil to evoke feelings of love and trust, or a drop of your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil or other type of specially prepared oil.

We make plans, and we make change, but we do not know for certain what will happen. This bindrune helps you to be guided by the Gods. Do your work, and let the Universe do its part.

Use this bindrune—and all bindrunes—entirely at your own risk.

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