Draw for November 29, 2016

November 29, 2016 | Filed Under Uncategorized | No Comments
The Giants' Tarot, Ravenk Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Ravenk Kaldera

Draw for November 29, 2016:
Active Influence: Himinglava/Ten of Cups
Rune: Sowelu/Sun
Hidden Influence: Jarnsaxa/Queen of Swords

Things are continuing to improve, even if it’s hard to tell. Sowelu brings in the light of the sun, illuminating, healing, and encouraging growth of all kinds. Jarnsaxa tells you it’s time to get to work and treat your responsibilities seriously—take advantage of the Sowelu energies, and the opportunities available to use them, even if you have to create those opportunities yourself.

Himinglava reminds you that, no matter how much work is before you, or how hard you have to work, each day still has its joys and pleasures, and taking time to savor those is just as important as working. You must refresh yourself to continue working—everyone needs a break, everyone needs a treat, everyone needs a laugh. Take joy where you can, and you will find the work less onerous.

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