Draw for November 26, 2016

November 26, 2016 | Filed Under Uncategorized | No Comments
The Giants' Tarot, Raven Kaldera

The Giants’ Tarot, Raven Kaldera

Draw for November 26, 2016:
Active Influence: Nidhogg/Strength
Rune: Os/The God Voice—reversed
Hidden Influence: Narvi & Vali/Ten of Swords

Yesterday’s energies of patience, perseverance, and small actions continue. It’s a mess, and you have to deal with it. Nidhogg’s message of strength is reassuring, because She requires that you engage in clean-up work, whether on the external or internal level (and probably on the internal level, although this would also be a good day to clean out that hall closet that’s so full the door won’t close). The Ten of Swords is a clear message of betrayal and heartbreak, possibly to come, but more likely something in your past that is still unhealed. This is what Nidhogg is strengthening you to face. However ghastly it was, and however painful it still is, you must begin to heal it, or it will continue to haunt you. Seek professional help if necessary—a healer, a Priestess/Priest, a licensed psychotherapist, a support group.

In contrast to Bestla as the Mother of Gods, calm and powerful, today Sigyn is the Mourning Mother, powerless and abused. She encourages you to acknowledge the truth of what happened, and to allow yourself to mourn. You cannot fully heal until you fully acknowledge the loss and pain, and mourn what was taken from you.

Os recurs from yesterday, but reversed this time. Associated with both Loki and Odin (among others), its reversed position reflects Odin’s betrayal of his blood brother, and Loki’s loss of power resulting from Odin’s actions. Loki is unable to protect His children from harm, or His wife from trauma. Reversed, Os cautions us to think before we speak, and to use our words to guide our actions, and those of others, in a positive direction. If you can’t say something nice, shut up; if your words incite others to destructive action, shut up and go sit in the corner until you work out your issues and can return as a reasonable adult. Do not take your issues out on others, no matter how much you think they “deserve” it. Work on cleaning up your own stuff, and let the Norns handle the other person.

Mind your own business, and proceed with caution in all your interactions today.

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