Bindrune to Make Change for Highest Good

October 30, 2016 | Filed Under Bindrunes | No Comments

If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune. Remember that working with bindrunes, as with working with any kind of magic, does not carry guaranteed results, and may produce results quite different from what you expect.

With the turning of the wheel of the year, many of us find that we want to make real changes. Unlike the calendar year resolutions we make in January, which often focus on the material plane, this time of year finds us ready to undertake necessary changes to achieve a shared highest good—not merely to break bad habits, but to create real change in ourselves and in our society, for the highest good of all.

Bindrune of Chalc and Dagaz

Bindrune of Chalc and Dagaz

Chalc (left tile, blue in bindrune): Chalc represents the Cup of Life, filled with all the wonders, joys, and delights of being. It also represents the soul in its purest form—your best self, living in true fulfillment of your divine purpose. This can be thought of as the Holy Grail in the Arthurian legends; that which calls you to do your best, and to be your best. When you are living authentically and in fulfillment of your soul purpose, you are doing your part to make the world a better place.

Dagaz (right tile, gold in bindrune): Dagaz is the rune of transformation. It can be seen as a funnel, or a sieve, filtering out what is not healthy or helpful, helping you release what holds you back and grow into your truest, best self.

The bindrune on the left was done in colored pencil. The one on the right was done with fine point calligraphy markers. They are shown in two different media to give an idea of how the same bindrune looks different depending on how it is created.

You could put a drop of amber oil for inspiration, or a drop of your favorite oil on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You can also use a magical oil, such as a hoodoo oil or other type of specially prepared oil.

By living your authentic life and following the path of your soul, you help to heal the world, and make a better world for everyone.

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