Bindrune for Acceptance

May 25, 2016 | Filed Under Bindrunes | No Comments

If you are new to working with bindrunes, I suggest you read the introductory bindrune post here, then return to this post to read about this specific bindrune.

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, your highest intentions, your most earnest prayers, your strongest magic, things just do not go your way. This is when the Gods give us the opportunity to practice acceptance.

Why acceptance? Because, until you can accept it, you can’t change it.

You don’t have to *like* it. You do have to accept it. Until you can see things as they really are, you can’t work with what is there to make it into something else.

Bindrune for Acceptance: Ac, Dagaz, Gar

Bindrune for Acceptance: Ac, Dagaz, Gar

Ac (far left, in purple): Angrboda’s rune is the base of the bindrune. Ac carries the energies of the flexible, rooted strength of the oak tree. Be inspired by Angrboda’s magical strength to increase your own. Keep in mind that Angrboda requires honorable intentions, so if you are contemplating an unethical action, it is not going to work out in a way you will be happy about. Thoroughly grounded in the reality of what is, which includes the realization of your own strengths and advantages, you have a strong foundation to create the new reality.

Dagaz (center, in orange): The energy of the inflection point, the transformation experienced moving from dawn to day, morning to noon, or the change of seasons. Dagaz brings in those transformative energies to help you work through any resistance to taking right action, and to sort out any feelings of being stuck or trapped. Dagaz brings light, illumination, and warmth. Dagaz also acts as a filter (can you see the funnel shape in the middle of the rune?) and can screen out negative energies and influences, and help you filter the energies you send out as well.

Gar (far right, in dark blue): The rune of the unknown. When this rune appears in a reading, it’s a message that the answer is not yet available to the seeker. The matter may or may not be settled, but you just don’t need to know right now. Rather than trying to control everything for a specific outcome, simply be with what is in the current moment. The rune’s association with Odin brings in further energies of mystery and possibility.

The bindrune was done in colored pencil. I made a version with calligraphy markers and a version with Sharpie markers, but in both cases, the colors turned muddy. Sometimes, colored pencil is the best option!

You could also put a drop of sage oil for clearing energies, a drop of lavender oil for calming energies, or a drop of your favorite oil  on it to reinforce the energy with your personal scent. You could also use a conjure oil, such as Healing, to bring in additional positive energies.

Keep breathing, and keep going.

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