Spread for Dealing with Anxiety

July 24, 2017 | Filed Under Uncategorized | 2 Comments

When you are feeling anxious about something, try this spread to sort out your thoughts and feelings. By identifying the genuine worry at the root of the anxiety, and resolving the misperceptions which feed the anxiety, you will find a way to redirect the anxious energy into positive action. You can use this spread with runes, Tarot cards, or any other oracle you prefer to work with.

Spread for Anxiety

Spread for Anxiety

1. Where you really are. This is the reality of your situation.

2. Your (mis)perception. The distortion of your perception, which contributes to the anxiety.

3. The root of the anxiety. While you may be reacting to incorrect information or off-kilter perceptions, something is bothering you. This position identifies that cause.

4. How to address the misperception to return clarity to your perspective.

5. How to address the root cause.

6. How to strengthen your current position to meet the situation with calm and confidence.

7. Encouragement for moving forward; something to look forward to as you work through this process.

Example reading: The client is preparing to leave a long-established career for a job that pays much less, but is closer to his heart. He is feeling anxious about the effects on his financial situation, and is wondering if he’s made a bad decision.

Anxiety Reading Example

Anxiety Reading Example

1.  Perthro/Chance (reversed). The reality is that people navigate this kind of transition every day with success. For many of us, though, it’s easier to imagine failure than success. Success is just as likely, and I suggested he examine his expectations honestly. It has been years since he’s been new at his job, his company, or anything else, and that fear of failure at being able to do the job is amplifying his anxiety.

2. Yr/Focus. The distortion is thinking only of the possibilities for failure, and not allowing himself to consider that he will be alright financially instead of struggling, and that, in addition, the quality-of-life changes provided by the new job will provide the emotional satisfaction he is currently missing and makes up for with spending.

3. Wendhorn/Cycles. The root of the anxiety is the timing of the change. He wonders if he should have stayed at his current job longer, in order to save more money. While he could choose to do so, he would miss this opportunity that fits quite well with his interests and values. In this particular situation, the time is now; he could opt for later, but the second opportunity may not be as good or as suitable.

4. Kenaz/Torch. He can address the misperception by shining light on his assumptions and seeing things as they really are. (Sometimes the Runes just hand it to you on a silver platter.)

5. Berkana/Rebirth (reversed). He can address the root cause by paying attention to the cycles of the change. Trees don’t grow during their winter dormancy; bears don’t hibernate in the summer. He needs to be aware of his own energies and process, and trust himself to take the right action at the right time.

6. Ear/Grave (reversed). Ear is another rune connected with time, representing the slow, organic process of change. Reversed, it signals either the completion of the process, or an acceleration if it’s not yet complete. Given that the root cause of his anxiety is a concern about timing, Ear is encouragement to relax on that point. It indicates that he’s begun the process, so he can relax into it and trust himself to navigate it well. Ear further advises him to be prepared for unexpected opportunities which may bring in the timeline; he may find his financial worries dissipate more quickly than anticipated, whether through an early raise in salary, or some other kind of bonus.

7. Ac/Oak Tree. The encouragement is the strength and flexibility of the oak. Grounded in a a genuine desire to make this change, he can allow himself to be flexible as the situation unfolds. Angrboda is associated with this rune, suggesting that he has the wisdom and internal resources to succeed, and he can proceed confidently. Through the oak, Thor is also associated with this rune, so strength (again) and confidence (again) and hard work will get him where he needs to go.


2 Responses to “Spread for Dealing with Anxiety”

  1. This is wonderful! Thank you! I’m going to try it.

  2. You are most welcome! I hope it proves helpful! Feel free to comment further once you’ve tried it!

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