Daily Poem: My Soul Says ~ Rahel Morpurgo

March 10, 2017 | Filed Under Poem for Hela | No Comments

My Soul Says
~ Rahel Morpurgo
Translated from Hebrew by Robert Alter

Woe is me, my soul says, how bitter is my fate,
My spirit overweening aspired to be great.
I heard a voice pronounce: your song deserves high state.
What peer have you, Rachel, mistress of song?

My spirit rebukes me: my virtue’s held a sin,
Exile after exile has withered my skin,
My pungence is gone, my vineyard’s cropped thin,
Fearing disgrace, I can no longer sing.

To the north I have turned, to south, east and west,
‘Woman’s mind is frail,’ how can this one be best?
After years if her memory’s put to the test,

Will it surpass a dead dog knowing province or town?
Wherever you go, you will hear all around:
The wisdom of woman to the distaff is bound.

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