Today, I . . . Made It Through the Day

January 21, 2019 | Filed Under Things I Think About | No Comments

Reminding myself of this today, because today has not been a day of productivity, positivity or self-control.

Well, I did manage not to yell at anyone, and I made it through the day without bursting into flame, so yay for self-control! go me!

I had my day planned out, and was going to do So Many Things! and be efficient! and focused! and check off this and that and other things from the to-do list!

Some days, your body decides you aren’t going to do anything because it is tired/sick/just generally out of order.

Some days, the software company you need tech support from manages NOT to do their job in a breathtaking failure of basic reading comprehension, and you cannot do a damn thing until this problem is solved.

Some days, there’s no one big thing that’s wrong, but enough things aren’t right that nothing is working, and you wonder if you’ve fallen into a variant on the THX-1138 universe.

Some days, you get through the day more or less in one piece, and some days, that’s enough.

Sleep well, sweet dreams, and let’s try this again tomorrow.

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